The Arabidopsis USL1 controls multiple aspects of development by affecting late endosome morphology

Jun. 19, 2018

Prof. Genji Qin published a paper on New Phytologist.

  • The polar transport of auxin controls many aspects of plant development. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying auxin tranport regulation remain to be further elucidated.
  • We identified a mutant named as usl1 (unflattened and small leaves) in a genetic screen in Arabidopsis thaliana. The usl1 displayed multiple aspects of developmental defects in leaves, embryogenesis, cotyledons, silique phyllotaxy and lateral roots in addition to abnormal leaves. USL1 encodes a protein orthologous to the yeast vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) 38p and human UV RADIATION RESISTANCE‐ASSOCIATED GENE (UVRAG). Cell biology, Co‐IP/MS and yeast two‐hybrid were used to identify the function of USL1.
  • USL1 colocalizes at the subcellular level with VPS29, a key factor of the retromer complex that controls auxin transport. The morphology of the VPS29‐associated late endosomes (LE) is altered from small dots in the wild‐type to aberrant enlarged circles in the usl1 mutants. The usl1 mutant synergistically interacts withvps29. We also found that USL1 forms a complex with AtVPS30 and AtVPS34.
  • We propose that USL1 controls multiple aspects of plant development by affecting late endosome morphology and by regulating the PIN1 polarity. Our findings provide a new layer of the understanding on the mechanisms of plant development regulation.

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