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日期: 2008-12-16


The Stanford Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program was designed to give undergraduates an opportunity to work with faculty members and their research groups on advanced research topics. The chosen students can take advantage of this ten-week program and obtain in-depth research experience on a particular topic, and/or a broad hands-on exposure to various fields. The REU has been a well-organized, successful, and popular program. For summer 2009, Stanford School of engineering (SoE) is planning to add some students from Peking/Tsinghua Universities. By being part of the REU cohort, Chinese students will learn from and enhance Stanford undergraduate students’ experience with a diverse, international population, broadening the perspective of both groups.
Stanford has collected position descriptions from faculty members who are interested in taking Chinese REU students for the next summer. There are 10 positions available in this pilot program. Note that those positions are open to both Peking and Tsinghua universities for open competition. We’d like to have 1-3 junior students from PKU and Tsingua respectively to apply for each position. Among them, 2 positions are in bioengineering.
Position 1:
Stanford iGEM Team Exchange – The requested REU position will support one or more exchange student’s participation on the Stanford iGEM Team.  iGEM is the International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition, through which teams of students at universities world-wide compete to design, build, and test a genetically-engineered organism of their own design. Last year ~900 students from ~85 schools participated, including PKU and Tsinghua. More information is available online via http://igem.org/  Any participating PKU or Tsinghua student would be an equal member in full standing on Stanford’s team.  The 2009 team will have access to the laboratories of Profs. Drew Endy and Christina Smolke and will be mentored by ~6 graduate students and several additional Stanford faculty. 
Desired skills/ background:
REQUIRED (all four): Strong team player, positive attitude, passion for building things, desire to make the world better.

Position 2:
Computational modeling of networks in bacteria: project seeks to interpret experimental data on cellular behavior with simple biophysical models. Topics of interest include cell shape, membrane mechanics, cell division, and cell signaling.
Desired skills/ background:
Programming in MATLAB and C, coursework in molecular biology

