题目:Hippo pathway in cell growth, organ size, and tumorigenesis
讲座人:Kun-Liang Guan, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor,
Department of Pharmacology and Moores Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego
The Hippo pathway is crucial in organ size control and its dysregulation contributes to tumorigenesis. Previous studies have established the biochemical mechanism of regulation of the Hippo pathway effector YAP oncoprotein. Lats phosphorylates YAP to promote cytoplasmic localization and degradation, thereby inactivating YAP. The Hippo pathway is shown to be regulated by cell-cell contact, G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling, and mechanocues. Recently, we have discovered that the Hippo pathway is potently regulated by cellular energy level. Our study establishes a molecular mechanism and functional significance of AMPK in linking cellular energy status to the Hippo-YAP pathway. Uncontrolled YAP activation is frequently found in a large numbers of human cancers, particularly in uveal melanoma and malignant mesothelioma. A critical role of YAP activation in human cancers is emerging and suggests potential therapeutic value of inhibiting YAP for cancer treatment.