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New sciences for aging and longevity

日期: 2011-12-02
题目:New sciences for aging and longevity
报告人:Mitsuhiro Yanagida
CREST JST, Kyoto University,
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
时间:2011年12月2日(周五),14:30-16:00 PM
Dr. Yanagida had his undergraduate and graduate education both in University of Tokyo. He got his doctoral degree in 1970. From 1967 to 1970, he was a research assistant in University of Geneva, Institute of Molecular Biology. From 1970 to 1971, he was a research associate in the International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, Naples, Italy and in University of Maryland School of Medicine. He was an associate professor in the Department of Biophysics, Kyoto University from 1971 to 1977, and has been a full professor in Kyoto University since 1977. Dr. Yanagida’s research focuses on the mechanism of mitosis. The scientific discoveries from his laboratory have significantly advanced our understanding of the general mechanism of cell growth cycle, particularly the process of mitosis. He has published nearly two hundreds of research papers with more than 20 papers published in Cell, Nature and Science and the other papers published in EMBO, Genes Dev etc. Based on his significant scientific contributions, he has been awarded with numerous honors, including Foreign Member of the Royal Society (2000), Asahi award (2000), Uehara award (2001), Medal with Purple Ribbon (2002), The Japan Academy Prize, the Imperial Prize (2003), the Persons of Cultural Merit (2004), and the Order of Culture (2011). He currently serves as a member of editorial boards for journals of Cell, EMBO, MBC, Current Biology, BioEssay, Genes to Cells, Journal of Cell Sci., Yeast etc.
