1997.7-至今 太阳集团见好就收9728生命学院杂志任职:
2022-present,Guest editor,Plants书籍编撰:
李峰,王东辉译。加兰德∙E∙艾伦,杰弗里∙J.W.贝克著,《生命科学的历程》,中西书局,2020,出版书号:ISBN 978-7-5475-1735-2.教材编撰:
王东辉主编《植物发育生物学常用实验技术》北京:太阳集团见好就收9728出版社, 2017,标准书号:ISBN 978-7-301-28202-1 主要以水稻为对象,研究高等植物有性生殖过程的调控机理,并兼及其他课题。
[1]. Wang DH#, Liu N, Ye SD, Chen ZH, Lin YN, Liu ZH, Xu ZH and Bai SN#. Rice tapetum differentiation is sensitive to downregulation of OsUCH3, a ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2023,21(7):1314-1316.(#通讯作者)
[2]. 王璠麟,贺新强,王东辉#. 植物活体荧光分子影像系统的研制及其应用.太阳集团见好就收9728学报(自然科学版), 2023, 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.019(#通讯作者)
[3]. 王东辉.虚拟仿真和慕课共同助力植物学实验教学改革.高校生物学教学研究(电子版),2022, 12 (6): 49-52.
[4]. 王东辉.水稻整体原位杂交实验技术方法的改进.太阳集团见好就收9728学报(自然科学版), 2022, 58(2):195-200.
[5]. 王东辉.植物生长素整体原位定位技术.太阳集团见好就收9728学报(自然科学版), 2022, 58(5): 795-800.
[6]. 王东辉#,王玄之,王梓豪,葛丽丽.本科生植物学综合实验课程改革与实践.高校生物学教学研究(电子版),2021,11(5):33-36 (#通讯作者).
[7]. Zheng Y*, Wang D*, Ye S, Chen W, Li G, Xu Z, Bai S, Zhao F. Auxin guides germ-cell specification in Arabidopsis anthers. PNAS USA, 2021,118(22):e2101492118.(*共同一作)(被F1000上推介)
[8]. Hu DG*, Wang N*, Wang DH*, Cheng L, Wang YX, Zhao YW, Ding JY, Gu KD, Xiao X, Hao YJ. A basic/helix-loop-helix transcription factor controls leaf shape by regulating auxin signaling in apple. New Phytologist, 2020,228(6):1897-1913.(*共同一作)
[9]. Wang DH*, Song W*, Wei SW*, Zheng YF, Chen ZS, Han JD, Zhang HT, Luo JC, Qin YM, Xu ZH, Bai SN. Characterization of the Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase and Ubiquitin-Specific Protease Families in Rice (Oryza sativa). Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018,9:1636.
[10]. Qi S*, Wang D*, Zhu L, Teng M, Wang C, Xue X, Wu L. Effects of a novel neonicotinoid insecticide cycloxaprid on earthworm, Eisenia fetida. Environmental Science and Pollution, 2018,25(14):14138-14147.(*共同一作)
[11]. Qi S*, Wang D*, Zhu L, Teng M, Wang C, Xue X, Wu L. Neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid, guadipyr, and cycloxaprid induce acute oxidative stress in Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018,148:352-358.(*共同一作)
[12]. 王东辉.植物学专业研究生实验教学模式的创新与实践.高校生物学教学研究(电子版). 2017, 7(3):43-47.
[13]. Chen R*, Shen LP*, Wang DH*, Wang FG*, Zeng HY*, Chen ZS, Peng YB, Lin YN, Tang X, Deng MH, Yao N, Luo JC, Xu ZH, Bai SN. A Gene Expression Profiling of Early Rice Stamen Development that Reveals Inhibition of Photosynthetic Genes by OsMADS58. Molecular Plant, 2015,8(7):1069-89.(*共同一作)
[14]. Wang DH, Wang DQ, Cui YW, Yang L, Gu XL, Song WF, Li F. Photoperiod regulates Cape sundrew (Drosera capensis) gland sevretion and leaf development. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter,2015, 44(4):197-203.
[15]. Wang DH, Li F, Duan QH, Han T, Xu ZH, Bai SN. Ethylene perception is involved in female cucumber flower development. Plant Journal, 2010,61(5):862-72.
[16]. Hao YJ*, Wang DH*, Peng YB, Bai SL, Xu LY, Li YQ, Xu ZH, Bai SN. DNA damage in the early primordial anther is closely correlated with stamen arrest in the female flower of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Planta, 2003,217(6):888-95.(*共同一作)